ウィザー日記 改め ホビー日記


The Mind's Eye/心眼党[党派]

哲学: Explore existence; face life’s challenges; discover yourself and the multiverse.
仇名: Seekers, Visionaries.
主要種族:ヒューマン、ハーフエルフ、ハーフリング、shads, tuladhara,ゼニストリ.
Factol: Ombidias (NG,voadkyn,男性,Adp9,Mind's Eye)
有名な構成員: Sarazh (LG,ティーフリング,女性,Clr14 (Deneir),Mind's Eye), Itheros (LN,ヒューマン,男性,Wiz7,Mind's Eye)
Symbol: A finely crafted sword, with a corona of flames rising from its hilt. Coiled around the blade is a sinuous Chinese-style dragon, its scales a radiant gold, and eyes glowing intently. This combination of the two parent factions’ symbols represents their union as a new and budding influence across the planes.

この新参者の党派は、主要メンバーが昇天したthe Believers of the Sourceとthe Sign of Oneという二つの党派の残ったメンバーが統合してできたものである。

Throughout the planes, many groups search for enlightenment.
One such organization is the Mind’s Eye, headquartered in the Outlands. Members of the organization call themselves seekers, and their elite members are known as visionary seekers. They focus on the ultimate journey of self-discovery by seeking out challenges throughout the cosmos.
Seekers believe, among other things, that one must discover true knowledge, but to discover true knowledge, one must fi rst truly know oneself. Though some might interpret the seeker’s philosophy as “All knowledge lies within,” that doesn’t tell the whole story. The seeker’s path to knowledge only begins with discovery of the inner self. Once the inner self is adequately charted and understood, barriers to accepting knowledge that the multiverse provides every day will weaken and collapse. For the truly enlightened, it is said that knowledge pours in like water from a burst dam.
The seekers prefer the Concordant Domain of the Outlands because it sits at the center of the Outer Planes and provides easy access to the rest of the multiverse. They maintain a base in each of the portal towns.
組織のメンバーは、自らをシーカー(seeker)と呼び、さらに選ばれたメンバーはヴィジョナリ・シーカー(visionary seeker)と呼びます。