ウィザー日記 改め ホビー日記


The Transcendent Order/超越団[党派]



("Ciphers"), who believe that by tapping in to the 'cadence' of the planes and acting through pure instinct they can achieve a higher state of being. Their headquarters is the Great Gymnasium, where members can train to improve their bodies and minds. Their philosophy could be considered similar to Taoism, and its offshoots, such as Zen Buddhism.


大体育館でのトレーニングを通じて、まだ非公式にシギルと次元界に理念を広めている。元党派指導者 Rhys は現在、シギルの市議会のメンバーです。

The multiverse is really one tremendous organic entity moving with some greater end that is beyond mortal minds to comprehend. Each one of us is an infinitesimal part of the whole, playing out some role whose ultimate purpose we could never guess. Since the multiverse would not work against its own interests, we all are born with perfect knowledge of what it is we are supposed to do. However, most people bury their instincts under fear, self-doubt, meaningless trivia that some call “education,”and worst of all, ego.
The Transcendent Order believes that with proper training of mind and body, a person can become so in touch with the natural order (and her part in it) that correct action fl ows through her without any effort or thinking. Thinking adds hesitation, plants the seeds of doubt, and overrules instinct. Once the mind and body are in harmony, the spirit becomes in tune with the multiverse. Then a body knows just where and how she should be.
The Transcendent Order is strongest on Elysium, the plane of harmonious good. It maintains a monastery on Amoria, the topmost layer of that plane, where visitors are always welcome and individuals are encouraged to study, practice, or meditate on whatever interests them most.
Members of the Transcendent Order are often called ciphers, and the elite among them are known as cipher adepts.
